A collaborative platform to act together and put into practice innovative solutions for the adaptation of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors to climate change and for the resilience of oceans and climate.
Coastal areas and Exclusive Economic Zones of coastal States
resume most of the activities of fishery and aquaculture. They
are responsible for more than 85% of world fishery's Catches.
Among the oceans regions most sensitive to the effects of climate change,
they require a strengthening of observations, as well as a particular attention
in out adaptation strategies for fisheries and aquaculture. As well as
actions contributing to mitigation efforts in the climate change context.
Blue Belt initiative proposes an action plan that includes a roadmap of "solutions" to be implemented.
Based on best practices, these "solutions" are actions identified as priorities that should be
enhanced by research, innovation, exchange of expertise and feedback from expertises from all
regions of the world.
One at a time, these solutions offer an integrated vision of the fisheries and aquaculture sector,
considering the close interactions and the different components of the Ecosystem and the fisheries,
the possibility of transforming the fisheries sector into sustainable and wealth-creating
area of activity.
To support the realization of "solutions", the initative provides a "collaborative
platform" to support their implementation.
The initiative proposes to establish this platform to create a network of experts
oriented towards the adaptation projects of the fishery sector in the context of
climate change, second the actors who wish it in the assembly of the projects, in
quest for their funding and eventually in the monitoring of the implementation.
The collaborative platform will also have as a mission enriching the package of solutions
through a collaborative forum of expertise exchange, experience feedback and
implementation of innovative solutions.
Oriented Projects and priority actions, the solutions that aim to transform environmental constraints into economic opportunities
• Acidification
• Pollution of the oceans
• Overexploitation of stocks
• Destruction of habitats
• Limits of fishery resources
• Extreme phenomena
• algaculture (macro and microalgae)
• Aquaculture Multitrophic
• Future boat
• Valorisation
• Ecological certification
• Observatory
• User - Observer
Economic Opportunites
• Carbon Market (CO2 sequestration)
• Biomass , biofuel...
• New industries (Agro-food, pharma, naval …)
• Creation of new jobs
• Creation of Added Value
• Security and Inssurance
The waste is definitely banned.
More than 10% of the surface of the oceans...
is covered by Protected
Marine Areas and many habitats and
Seabed are restored.
Renewal of fleets with new ...
Generation (from future), neutral, more ecological,
connected, equipped boats with observation systems.
Fish is systematically ...
valued in the area where it is fished.
Developement of offshore ...
algaculture. Farming meals is replaced by recovery algae.
Integrated and operational coastal...
observation and warning system.
Based on:
- -A secretariat
- -A website
- -A network of stakeholders
- -Development partners
It is proposed to:
- - Federate methodological efforts and promote cooperation and technology transfer;
- - To jointly mobilize funding, implementation funds (Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund);
- - To provide the most affected countries with a mobilizing framework for financing and support for adaptation and mitigation.